
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Episode 21 - Lent 101
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Welcome to the 21st episode of Faith Revisited! One of the main reasons we decided to do a podcast episode on Lent isn't just because it is released on Ash Wednesday BUT we started the conversation because Molly felt like her knowledge of Lent was stuck in Sunday school. We go through the basics of Lent, the who, what, where, when, and what you can do instead of giving up chocolate for 40 days. We hope you enjoy this podcast episode, you can allow it to be a refresher course on Lent and learn all about Ben's sermon series this season. Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Episode 20 - New Appointments and Leadership Retreats
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Tis the season! The season for United Methodist Appointments... UMC Clergy may be a little on edge this time of year, we'll give you a sneak peek behind the scenes on Ben's feelings of appointments and what the future has in store for Trinity. Thank you for listening and we hope you enjoy! Visit www.faithrevisitedpodcast.com for show notes.

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Episode 19 - What Is Success?
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Join Ben & Molly this week as we talk about defining success from both a personal and organizational standpoint. How we define as success, how to not get caught up in the comparison game and living faithfully into your priorities!
Show notes can be found at www.faithrevisitedpodcast.com

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Episode 18 - A Conversation with Rev Jorge Acevedo
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
We are so pleased to have spent time talking with Rev Jorge Acevedo, the lead pastor at multi-site Grace Church based in Cape Coral, FL. Grace Church has an impressive track record with innovative ministries including fresh expressions churches and a thriving recovery ministry. Rev Acevedo talks about being an "engine for evangelism and discipleship." He also discusses his views on leadership, importance of Sabbath and how throughout his career he has always focused on the marginalized - "send us the people no one else wants."
Head over to www.faithrevisitedpodcast.com for show notes from Episode 18. You can learn more about Rev Jorge Acevedo, Grace Church and the get the 90 Day Bible reading plan.

Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Episode 17 - Goal Setting for Churches and Members
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Happy New Year! Ben and Molly are bringing you an episode on one of our favorite topics, goal setting! We talk about ideas and ways to set goals for your church - regardless of the size. As well as ways you can personally set great SMART goals! Thank you for listening to Faith Revisited and we wish you many blessings and joy in 2020.
Check out show notes at www.faithrevisitedpodcast.com

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Episode 16 - 4 Holiday Permissions
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
It's a bit too late in the month to give you any advice on holiday worship logistics, so we are giving you 4 permissions for this Christmas season. 2 things you should feel good about saying yes to and 2 things to say "Nope! No thanks!"
Visit us at www.faithrevisitedpodcast.com or over on social media, Faith Revisited. Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year from Ben and Molly. Thanks for taking the time to listen to us for the better part of this year.

Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Episode 15 - Livestream Worship Logistics
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Hey Faith Revisited Listeners! We look an unplanned Sabbatical and are each fighting a stuffy nose but we were determined to be back in your earbuds! Ben and Molly are happy to announce that the Trinity United Methodist Church worship service from Downtown Savannah is now livestreaming! It took 7 months to get the proper internet working in our historic building since the failure of our Easter livestream dreams and we have officially been doing it for a few weeks when this podcast comes out.
This episode goes through why it took so long to get the livestream going, why we believe it is important to have real legitimate equipment and we'll give you the full scoop on all of our gear and set up! Head on over to www.faithrevisitedpodcast.com for the show notes and links to the gear we're currently using. Our livestream link is here: http://trinity1848.org/sunday-worship-info/live-stream-worship

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Episode 14 - Make The Last 90 Days Count
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
It's hard to believe we're nearing the end of 2019. In this episode of Faith Revisited we discuss ways that you can be intentional throughout the end of the year connecting with God. With all of the seasons, holidays and travel this is a busy time of year. We offer up advice to take moments each day to deepen your faith. In addition, we also discuss ways churches can be more visitor friendly during the holidays, and other worship services coming up that you can make more personal for your members.
For a full list of our recommended devotions and podcasts that we mention in this episode head on over to the show notes at https://faithrevisitedpodcast.com/

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Episode 13 - Social Media 101 for Traditional Churches
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
We are very excited to bring you an episode all about social media! A forewarning, we're aiming our advice at churches who haven't put much focus on social media yet OR are just building their social media strategy. We are giving you our best advice on how to create a presence on social media, importance of a content calendar and how to start engaging your audience. We'll go through the 2 platforms that are most important to focus on, what the strengths are, and some more advanced tips at the end. Head on over to www.faithrevisitedpodcast.com to get all of our notes for this episode. It includes our recommended websites for free stock images. Thanks so much for listening!

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Episode 12 - A Conversation with Rev Adam Hamilton
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
We loved being able to sit down with Rev Adam Hamilton of Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City. Rev Hamilton talks about his jump into the United Methodist denomination after reading the Book of Discipline and why he felt like he didn't fit in elsewhere. His passion for Kansas City and desire to start a church for "thinking people" that in 30 years and over 25k active members, transforms their community and impacts the world. He explains his feelings regarding the current state of the United Methodist denomination and why he is still passionate about the DNA. We talk morning routines (find how much time he spends in prayer each morning), amazing ministries happening at Church of the Resurrection and how we all need to pay more attention to the nudges of the Holy Spirit.
Visit our website faithrevisitedpodcast.com for more information.
Visit Church of the Resurrection for more information on programs and ministries!
Thank you so much for listening and thank you Rev Adam Hamilton for spending time with us. Apologies for the few internet connectivity issues towards the end of the interview, thanks for bearing with us!
-Ben & Molly